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Guided Meditations 

Welcome, A Radical Welcome Soft Landing


00:00 / 07:54

Affectionate Breathing Core Meditation

Mindful Self Compassion


Mindful Self Compassion Break

Informal Practice


Meditation: Loving-Kindness for a

Loved One and Self MSC


Giving and Receiving Compassion


00:00 / 16:15
00:00 / 08:06
00:00 / 12:29
00:00 / 15:26

Meditation: Compassionate Friend


Meditation: Feeling Cared About

Rick Hanson The Strong Heart

00:00 / 16:41
00:00 / 24:20


Centered in the City

with Wade Brill:

​Episode 153: Compassion is a Powerful Antidote to the Loneliness Epidemic  


A Bit More Complicated with Dylan Selterman and Manuel Galvan:

​Episode 27. Mindful Self-Compassion In The Workplace with Dr. Remy Jennings and Janine Johnston


Men Talking Mindfulness with Jon Macaskill and Will Schneider 

"Transforming Stress into Strength and Conflict into Connection: The Power of Emotional Resilience"


Aprender a Amarnos

by Elsa Nassar y Otros, May 2023 published by Siglantana in Barcelona, Spain. 


Janine is one of 18 authors of essays in, Aprender a Amarnos, about how and why mindful self-compassion helped this collection of MSC teachers manage and thrive in difficult moments of our lives so impactfully that we chose to be trained as teachers of Mindful Self-Compassion

in Madrid, Spain in August 2021.




Dieciocho profesoras y profesores formados en el programa Mindful Self Compassion Program (MSC) nos cuentan en primera persona cómo ha sido su experiencia de la autocompasión en momentos difíciles de sus vidas, narrando sus vivencias directas y cómo la práctica del mindfulness y la autocompasión les ha ayudado a transformar su sufrimiento en un tesoro de aprendizaje y fortaleza. A través de testimonios reales, descubrirás cómo el poder de la autocompasión y el mindfulness puede transformar el sufrimiento en aprendizaje y fortaleza.



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UCLA-Trained Mindfulness Facilitator

International Mindfulness Teachers Association Certified

Mindful Self-Compassion Trained Teacher

Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness Trained

Trauma Resource Institute Trained Levels I and II

Certified Academic Language Therapist (CALT)

MS: International Development Management

BA: Environmental, Population and Organismic Biology

BA: Spanish

Bilingual: English / Spanish

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